Native New Zealand Bird Illustration

Haruru Ana

Unknown Artist

Uruhete Phyllis Luke


Kei te whakaweawenga o te kupu, kei te āritaritatanga o te tikanga, matike, maranga! Maranga mai rā e haku poukuia, haku piki toroa, whakapiki i ngā tikanga a Hine-Waiata rāua ko Tama-Kōrero. 

He whakairinga kupu ki te taringa, ki te rae, ki te arero, otinoa ki te whatumanawa. He whiunga reo ki te hope, ki te takahi, ki te ringa, ki te poi, ki te haka, otinoa ki te mata whākanakana. He kano matauraura e kore e hokia, he piki toroa ka whati atu ki Paerau, te pae ārai ki tua, ka ngaro whakaoti atu e!

(Nā Te Ingo Ngāia).

I titoa te waiata nei e Te Uruhete Phyllis Luke hei kauhau i te rongopai o Te Māramatanga ki roto o Ngāruahine, i te takiwā o te taone o Normany, koirā i horapa haere ai te waiata nei. 

Te Uruhete Phyllis Luke was prominent in carrying the kaupapa of Te Māramatanga in the tribal regions of Ngāruahine, around the town of Normanby and therefore the waiata became prominent in Ngāruahine.

Native New Zealand Bird IllustrationHaruru Ana